Herbed Potatoes


Red/yellow new potatoes4.5 lbsHalved
White vinegar1 tbsp-
Kosher saltTo taste-
Black pepperTo taste-
Canola oil0.25 cups-
Shallots2 (1 cup)Thinly sliced
Garlic3 clovesMinced
Olive oil2 tbsp-
Lemon zest1 lemon (2 tsp)-
Fresh parsley2 tbspChopped

Yield: ~8 servings


  1. You will need 2 baking trays for this recipe.
  2. Preheat oven to 500F with baking trays inserted.
  3. Place potatoes in a large pot with cold water, ensuring water covers by 1 inch.
  4. Add 1 tbsp each of salt and vinegar.
  5. Bring water to a boil, then simmer for 5 mins.
  6. Drain potatoes and transfer to a large bowl.
  7. Add 2 tbsp canola oil to potatoes, season with salt and pepper, and toss until lightly bashed.
  8. Oil the hot baking sheets and spread potatoes evenly, cut side down.
  9. Bake until potatoes release, about 30 mins. Swap trays from top to bottom racks halfway.
  10. Loosen all potatoes, toss lightly, and return to oven for 15 additional mins.
  11. Add shallots to potatoes, toss, and bake until browned, about 10 mins.
  12. Toss potatoes with garlic, olive oil, parsley, and lemon zest. Seaosn with salt and pepper.


  • Total time averages nearly 1.5 hours. Start early!