Thai Basil Chicken


Chicken broth1 cup-
Oyster sauce3 tbsp-
Soy sauce2 tbsp-
Fish sauce5 tsp-
White sugar3 tsp-
Brown sugar3 tsp-

Other Ingredients

Chicken breast3 lbsCoarsely chopped
Thai chilis10Minced
Thai basil1.5 cupsChiffonaded
Garlic4 clovesMinced

Yield: ~4-6 servings


  1. Combine sauce ingredients. Set aside.
  2. Cook chicken in pan pver high heat until no longer raw on the outside.
  3. Add shallots, chilis, and garlic.
  4. Cook until most of the liquid in the pan has cooked off.
  5. Add half of the sauce. Cook until caramelizing.
  6. Add the rest of the sauce. Cook until thickened and chicken is glazed.
  7. Remove pan from heat and stir in basil.
  8. Serve.


  • Regular basil is not a valid substitue for thai basil, which is sweeter.