Seared Tomatoes on Toast


Heirloom tomatoes6-8-
Sourdough bread3-4 slices-
Garlic6 clovesSkin on
Balsamic glazeTo taste-
Mozzarella0.25 cupsShredded
SaltTo taste-
Black pepperTo taste-
Olive oil2 tbsp-

Yield: ~3-4 slices


  1. Heat olive oil in pan over medium heat. Add tomatoes and garlic.
  2. Season with salt and pepper and cook until tomatoes are lightly charred. Toss occasionally.
  3. Transfer tomatoes, garlic, and oil into bowl.
  4. Toast sourdough in remaining pan oil.
  5. Top toasted sourdough with mozzarella and broil until browned.
  6. Meanwhile, remove garlic skin, mince garlic, and add back to tomatoes and oil in bowl.
  7. Serve tomato mix on toast. Drizzle with balsamic glaze.